Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Chicken and Fitness

SOOOOOO...yesterday I was surfing the net and I found a fitness craze by the name of HASFit that's free! Yup, you read's free.99 and I'm signing up. There were so many believable testimonies that came from the website and I'm excited to get started. You can get started as well by visiting and dont forgt that it's FREE so there's really no excuse. I'll post reviews throughout  my experience and if you have any suggestions they are welcome as well. Heres a sample of the intense workouts to come lol...TRY IT!

Now on a not so free note...I went to Wendy's the other day and this happened...

IT'S FREAKIN' PLASTIC IN MY CHICKEN BREAST!!!! I was highly pissed when this happened and all that manager could say was "I'll make you a new one." I definitely think that she made that up. I'm not eating there anytime soon out of fear that next time it'll be a finger or something odd like that. I'm sad though because my family eats there very often...on the bright side since I cant eat there out of disgust it should be good for my diet lol. Maybe it was a sign from the heavens to get away from the fast food as well as processed foods :)

Well back to work I go...continue to be healthy and happy.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Gone for a Few...

SOOOOOOOO...the windchill  was 30 degrees below 0 yesterday here in Wisconsin and let me tell you how fun that wasn't! I was stuck in the house ALLLLLL day with things I didn't need like Oreos, popcorn, M&Ms and chocolate covered peanuts but besides that I did ok. I have waffles, eggs and bacon for brunch (slept til noon yesterday), a grilled cheese sandwich after my nap with yogurt, an orange for snack and egg foo young for dinner. I could have exercised but my couch felt so much better than sweat yesterday. I have to find a way to incorporate exercising into my daily routine sooner rather than later. I decided that over the approaching weekend Ill find some dance DVDs that are fun and full of calorie burning moves. OH YEAH...I forgot to mention that my sister's birthday was on the 4th and I caved. I had the best buffalo wings ever from a small restaurant called Elsa's. She stuck her baby toe in that buffalo sauce honey!!! Now I'm facing the fact that my bday is on the 19th but I want to stick to the lifestyle change that I'm facing right now. So I will still drink and watch my portions but after this celebration I'm done with empty calories. I hope you all have a great day and Ill post pics later this week so that there is a face to the name.


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!!!

Ok...soooooo today is the day that we are all suppose to start these amazing diets and get amazing results by next month and then QUIT!!! Well this year I vow not to QUIT my lifestyle change movement and hopefully by blogging about it I will stick to the goal. At this point in my life I am 251lbs (but I think 1lb is my scarf lol). Anywho, I need to lose some lbs. to prevent the health risk related to being obese and in my case its MORBID! Morbid is not an attractive word and it made me appreciate being obese 6 years ago when I weighed 170lbs. For years I blamed child birth and the Depo shot but that was only the issue for the first 3 I'm to blame. I'm a serial snacker and emotional eater. I eat when I'm happy, sad, bored, tired, thirsty, excited, nervous, crying...I'm sure you get the picture. But as of today I put my foot down and I am going to take control of my situation because I don't want to be sick and on pills for the rest of my life...I'm only 22 and I don't want to see high BP in my future. HECCKKKKKKKK NAW! Have a great new year and try to stick to your resolutions.

Good luck!